TX-23: AP Calls it for Ciro Rodriguez


What a wonderful headline.

Update: Taking a cue from CNN, I’ve gone ahead and painted TX-23 a bright shade of blue on the map to signify a Republican-to-Democrat turnover:

Click on the image to see the full, 50-state carnage from Nov. 7 to today.  A big, bright slice of blue in Southwest Texas sure rounds things out nicely, doesn’t it?  Now, if only that troublesome greyish block in Florida could be taken care of…

18 thoughts on “TX-23: AP Calls it for Ciro Rodriguez”

  1. 30 seat pickup–now Rahm can really celebrate. (No he can’t.)

    Looks like 70,000 or so votes will be cast, not bad for an election that was scheduled on a Mexican holiday so as to depress turnout.  Rodriguez won the early voting by 7.9%.

    Anyway, it’s a nice pickup.  And it’s nice to see some GOP maneuvering backfire once in a while.

  2. This victory is a sweet, sweet one.

    Many thanks to the DCCC, the Big Dog, and all who worked their butts off to turn TX-23 blue.

    Now, we have another special election for a state Leg seat in HD-29.

    Go, Dr. Dinovo!

    Leave the Republican marauders no safe ground to run to.

  3. I forgot about this race until 10:15 central time, and logged on expecting to see a Bonilla landslide.  Instead I see a Ciro landslide.  I guess this year’s battleground House races turned out to be unpredictable until the bitter end.  That loud weeping sound you hear is Tom DeLay bawling like a baby out in Sugar Land.

  4. Its on Goggle’s homepage, to see what I mean.

    Well, hell, great going Texas crew!!!

    Finally the DCCC comes through for one of the original Netroots candidates. Hopefully this will register with them and they’ll act accordingly in ’08.
    31 seats!!!!!!!!!
    Now onto FL-13….

  5. If anyone doubts the often-mentioned truism that you don’t always win the first time, but you don’t always fail to win — consider that this is Ciro’s fourth election in two years. Not everyone would keep going, and the more you try the more people will write you off — and then this happens. Congrats to all involved.

  6. Hopefully the Democratic Party in my state can get better organized for the upcoming elections with this little bit of momentum. Our state has the demographics of a swing state, but votes for the Republicans. I don’t understand why Texas is so enamored with the Republican Party. Hopefully, the Republicans will keep shooting themselves in the foot though like they did this year. I laugh at the idea of a 700 mile wall on the 2000 mile border between the United States and Mexico. I am sure that proposal helped influence some votes in Texas away from the Republicans.

    It is poetic justice that Delay is out. The idea of redistricting more than once in a ten year period just turns my stomach. I don’t care which party does it. It is basically changing the rules each time you lose to get a better result.

  7. hey, southeast florida needs to be highlighted in a nice shade of light blue.  FL-22 was a flipped district!

  8. HOOrah!

    As a slightly over 50 native Texan who does own real Yellow Dog Democrat earrings, this is a thrill. It’s additionally thrilling since I worked in Lampson’s campaign (the other swing in Texas) and teach political science to college students in the Houston area.

    The major reason is that it is fabulous is that Hispanics/Latino/as
    in the state are finally getting the representation that they need and the recognition that they are a voting force with which to be reckoned.

    Also just heard the news that Senator Johnson may not be as sick as folks thought earlier. Hope that is true. Prayers for him/family.


  9. Or a T9C quibble.

    The district maps used here
    are from before the Supremes
    ordered that some lines be

    Not a big deal, since only
    Bonilla’s District 23 changed
    hands. In the several blue
    South Texas districts, some
    counties were shuffled from
    one D district to another.

    Rejoice to see that chunk of
    West Texas real estate — part
    of the Great Chihuahua Desert —
    turn blue.

    I had hoped, going into the
    November election, that some
    huge Mountain West destricts
    would change hands — like
    WY-AL, NV-03, ID-01, AZ-01,
    CO-04, NE-03, WA-08. That
    would have looked so good
    on the national map. OK,
    next time. Until then we got
    TX-23 and it looks great.

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